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Midterm Week Facial

Thursday, March 10, 2016

This week I had nine assignments due, it was 10, but my professor thankfully saw that our class was on the verge of a mental break and pushed our assignment to be due after we come back from spring break. Even then, just the thought of all of those papers, case studies and tests was a bit overwhelming and of course my skin took an L because of it. I feel as though all of the moisture was sucked out of my skin and whitehead meteors crash-landed onto my cheeks. Since I’ve been going non-stop since last week with doing work and studying, I thought it was time for a bit of me time and do this facial that I oh so needed.  But, this wasn’t going to be a facial that I would do in one shot. I decided that during my breaks, I would spend some time focusing on different concerns that I know my skin wanted to be addressed. Check out my schedule below and let me know if you have any midterm or finals week facial rituals you use to calm your skin.

8am- Wake up. Brush my teeth. Fill the small circle of my Clarisonic Mia 2 ($149) with Kiehls Ultra Facial Cleanser ($10) and feel the vibrations of the brush massage my face into oblivion.

8:10am- Put one drop of Desert Essence Organic Jojoba Oil ($7.79) on to both of my cheeks, nose, forehead and chin and pat into my skin. Then using small circular motions, massage my face for about two minutes.

8:15am-Eat breakfast.

8:30am- Work on my six-page paper on Wuthering Heights.

10am- Take a break.

10:20am- At this point the bags under my eyes are no longer acceptable to look at anymore. Put Tony Moly Ferment Snail Eye Mask ($8) on for about 40 minutes and get back to the paper.

12pm- Lunch.

12:30pm- Study for my Management midterm.

2pm- Break. The stress is starting to settle in and my skin is started to feel a little tired. I put on my Farmacy Hydrating Cocounut Gel Mask- Soothing ($24) sheet mask onto my face and took a quick nap for about 30 minutes. It says to leave the mask on for about 20 to 25 minutes, but I like to leave it on a bit longer.

2:30pm- Work on my 3-page paper on Abu Ghraib.

4pm- Eat a snack and take a break. Reflect on the important issues like Flint water crisis, presidential election and on an invention I can create to make my pores not look like giant soup bowls.

4:30pm- Work on critiquing a published case study.

7:30pm- Make dinner.

8:30pm- Wash my face.

9pm- I’m getting tired, but I don’t want to neglect putting on my retinoid tonight. I take my Tazorac 0.1% retinoid cream (I was prescribed this by my dermatologist. An over the counter retinoid would do as well) and squeeze a drop size onto my finger and dot on my skin. I then rub the product in until the cream disappears.

9:20pm- Massage my Josie Maran Pure Argan Milk Intensive Hydrating Treatment ($56) onto my face.

9:30pm- Read The Tennant of Wildfell Hall.

11pm- Put on Lush Lip Service Lip Balm and go to bed dreaming for an A.
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